Monday, May 7, 2012
Lap #7 Mini-Project Reflection
I don't think the Bay of Pigs was a smart way to invade southern Cuba. First of all i believe that it may have been a smarter idea of trying to invade them instead of walking in with thousands of American U.S solider and dying. Next, Who tries to invade another country without having a set and 99.9% for sure game plan that will work. Fidel Castro was the smarter opponent only because he knew something was going to happen for people to try to overthrow him, but since Fidel knew it was coming he was already ready to take something. He wasn't guaranteed that he'll be successful, but he had confidence he will be able to withstand a pretty high standard War.
What is un-American? Is it difficult to define? Who gets to decide what un-American Is?
I believe being un-American is disobeying the law of America. In America there are laws that people have to follow if you’re American or not because you can be an American or Tourist, but no matter what since you’re in America you need to obey the laws. If someone decides to go against what the law is today with or without a citizenship in America, that is what i believe is called un-American like. I don’t think there is a particular defintion of being un-American only because it is not anyones choice to call someone un-American. I don't think anyone should have to right to do that because nobody owns American by themselves so why should they make that word a way to hit someone. I believe another word that is similar to un-American is Ignorant because going from my explaining of un-American i think its just trying to disrespect a country.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Lap 6 Blog 3: Do you support imperialism for your country? Explain.
Honestly I don’t think American Needs to expand anymore. Most of what America needs we already got and if we don’t have what we need, Americans are pretty good getting stuff they want or need over seas in different countries. They got family members and friends that travel there every month or so and even just live there. Shipping is easy access so why does America need to support imperialism. From today I believe America fights for mostly peace such as when Americans went to war with Iraq. For what? Food, friends, travel, sand? America and Americans fight for freedom, not what they want or need. Freedom should be in everyone’s mind working, that’s really what the purpose of wars are for to end the madness and sorrow and gain more and happier lives. America is already big enough and we have enough struggles of life so what’s the point of Country expansions ?
Lap 6 Blog 1: Should countries pursue policies of imperialism, or empire expansion?
In the world today I believe that the cause of world peace would only come if countries will pursue policies of Imperialism. I believe people try to take over another’s country because of something that the opposing has that they don’t have, but want to acquire. A lot of imperialism happened before because of the goods that one couldn’t acquire on their land so they had to go somewhere else that had it. If a country wants to overpower a country all because of a little goods why cant they just sit down and agree or disagree politely. In the world today if one doesn’t get what they want, eventually there will be some kind of war in between the two. Imperialism is just like a basketball game. When a team wants to win a game, but losing they need to work harder in what they want so they have no choice, but to fight harder. Therefore I believe if countries pursue policies of imperialism or empire expansion, world piece will never come to the story.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Do you think an individual today can rise from "rags to riches" like Andrew Carnegie did? Why or why not?

For someone to rise from “Rags to Riches” like Andrew Carnegie and become a successful person just like him, it will be depending on what they are producing. For you to sell a product when you are not a wealthy person you will require some spending money first to make the product you are trying to sell. Today a lot of products that are being sold are broadcasted on television and the internet which is 2 of the top occupied entertainments. Back then when television and internet was not available the only advertisement method was posting paper ads on phone booths, lamp post, walk-in store flyers and etc.
Today a lot of big business owners are relying on what they are trying to produce and release to sell all over the world. If nobody buys their products then that means the company makes no benefits from what they sell. For example, when a pair of sneakers is released to sell, such as the Nike Galaxies, there are limited amounts that are made. As for the Nike Galaxies, the retailed price when they are released is $225.00 and after no longer then an hour when they are purchased people resell they to other people that want the shoe so they can make it more expensive to gain a profit. People buy very expensive shoes because some particular shoes are made only once in a lifetime. The Nike Galaxies today can be sold for almost $2500.00.
If you think companies make a lot of money because they make much more of their products and people sell them, then you’re wrong. The Nike galaxies were released in every city and only certain stores have been given the right to sell them which was only less than 3 pairs a store. Basically what I am trying to refer is that if you make less of a product and also once in a lifetime then they can become very expensive very soon and extremely expensive later. If you are willing to start a business you better know what you’re doing and selling and also you better be ready to handle the consequences.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Lap 5 Blog 2: Describe/comment on a Jacob Riis photo.
This is one of Jacob Riis photo selections. This pictures title is "Under the dump, Rivington Street, about 1890". In my opinion, this photo shows the life style and living in the 1890s. People didn't have much to give just because of the poor community and life that everyone lived in. Most of the time one person can not afford their own roof to live under so they connect with about 4-5 people to purchase one small room to live in. This led to unsanitary circumstances, where people will get dead sick and have no privacy to recover only because if they get someone else under your roof sick and you recover they'll just get you sick again. Guaranteed i think nothing in this room was comfortable from the beds to being crammed in the room with multiple amounts of people. I thought the picture was just taken at an older time and that's why the color is like that, but i don't think that's the age of the photos fault. I think that's what the room really looked like back then. Dirty!!! If i would have to live in that place i would probably just kill my self with no choice because if i didn't kill myself, i will surely die regardless from the sickness or even starvation.
Lap 5 Blog 1: Compare the conditions workers in China face currently with those of workers in America at the turn of the century.
At the turn of the century workers in China were people that were really put to work. Really. The Chinese were really put to work. The workers in china worked in places called sweatshops, any working environment considered to be unacceptably difficult or dangerous. Sweatshop workers often work long hours for very low pay, regardless of laws mandating overtime pay or a minimum wage. Companies basically make their work place a sweatshop to make more money than they give away easily and faster. Since there are so many workers that work in one sweatshop alone that works for a long period of time and also receives low wages the owner benefits off all the workers.
The labor in America was not easy neither; working isn’t a easy thing to do at all. Andrew Carnegie was a company owner and he also put all his workers into hard labor just like the workers in China today. You can basically say that Carnegie owned his owned his own sweatshop. When they workers worked for Carnegie when you were cold you would wear layers of clothes even working in front of a close fire all day and also include you are super exhausted. They could be so tired that they can fall asleep while working in front of the fire and fall into the fire. Carnegie will hear about the report, but to him safety is not his concern. Is all this work for both Carnegie’s workers and the Chinese workers today all worth it? It may be a risk to take, but sometimes if people really want to get somewhere in life they really work to death to help themselves and maybe even their family.
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